A cheerful disposition, unwilling to ordinary, good interpersonal skills.
性格开朗, 不甘平凡, 具有良好的人际关系.
互联网Good interpersonal skills as well as basic written and reading English.
互联网The course is intended to increase student's interpersonal skills.
互联网Training in interpersonal skills is essential.
辞典例句Good presentation, administrative and interpersonal skills are a must.
必须具有良好的表达 、 行政管理和人际交往能力.
互联网Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.
互联网Good interpersonal skills and able to influence and motivate people.
互联网Good operational, administrative and interpersonal skills are a must.
必须具有良好的经营 、 行政管理和人际交往能力.
互联网Good professional ethics, good communication skills and sociality, interpersonal skills.
有良好的职业道德, 有公共关系的沟通能力.
互联网Excellent interpersonal skills and capability to manage different function.
互联网Good problem solving, administrative and interpersonal skills are a must.
必须具有良好的解决问题 、 行政管理和人际交往能力.
互联网Good communication and interpersonal skills. Strong responsibility and independent working capability.
有良好的交流和沟通能力, 有较强的责任心和独立工作能力.
互联网Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, positive mind and good team spirit.
良好的表达技巧, 并能够自信地介绍公司和产品.
互联网Mature interpersonal skills, pleasant personality and a team player.
善于维护人际关系技巧, 个性开朗能适应团队生活.
互联网Besides, I am a team player and have great interpersonal skills.
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